(c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) / ._. \ / ._. \ / ._. \ / ._. \ / ._. \ __\( C )/__ __\( H )/__ __\( E )/__ __\( C )/__ __\( K )/__ (_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._) || E || || R || || R || || O || || R || _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ (.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.) `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´
Invalid commit message => test It doesn't match regex: ^(build|chore|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|revert|style|test){1}(\([\w\-\.]+\))?(!)?: ([\w ])+([\s\S]*) The commit message should be structured as follows: <type>[optional scope]: <description> [optional body] [optional footer(s)] More details please refer to https://www.conventionalcommits.org Suggest: please check your commit message whether matches above regex
Commit rejected by Commit-Check.
(c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) (c).-.(c) / ._. \ / ._. \ / ._. \ / ._. \ / ._. \ __\( C )/__ __\( H )/__ __\( E )/__ __\( C )/__ __\( K )/__ (_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._)(_.-/'-'\-._) || E || || R || || R || || O || || R || _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ _.' '-' '._ (.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.)(.-./`-´\.-.) `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´ `-´
Commit rejected.
Invalid branch name => test It doesn't match regex: ^(bugfix|feature|release|hotfix|task)\/.+|(master)|(main)|(HEAD)|(PR-.+) Branches must begin with these types: bugfix/ feature/ release/ hotfix/ task/ Suggest: run command `git checkout -b type/branch_name`
My Windows build machine is regular reboot after Windows updates, but my Jenkins agent service on this Windows can not start automatically even I have set the startup type to Automatic.
Solution 1
After some research, select “Allow service to interact with desktop” with service properties on Log On tab can fix this problem.
In service properties -> Log On -> Select “Local System account” and select the checkbox for “Allow service to interact with desktop”.
My advice: try not to use the Jenkins plugin if possible.
Good, it’s time to implement [skip ci] myself.
If you like me used Jenkins shared library, you can create a function like SkipCI from src/org/cicd/utils.groovy, then other jobs can reused this function.